Congrats on the release! Electrum is a very nice wallet.

On 03/01/2015 04:23 PM, Thomas Voegtlin wrote:
> Dear Bitcoin devs,
> I just tagged version 2.0 of Electrum: 
> The website will be updated later today. The release 
> notes are a bit dense, due to the large amount of changes and new 
> features in this release. In the coming weeks we will be adding
> more detailed documentation to the wiki and to the website.
> There has been a very long hiatus in Electrum releases, because it 
> took me a lot of time to decide about the new seed derivation
> method and wallet structure. Now that this part is done, I hope
> that we will resume to a faster release pace.
> I would like to thank all the people who contributed to this
> release, developers, beta testers, but also people from this list
> who provided useful feedback.
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> _____________________________
> # Release 2.0
> * Before you upgrade, make sure you have saved your wallet seed on 
> paper.
> * Documentation is now hosted on a wiki:
> * New seed derivation method (not compatible with BIP39). The seed 
> phrase includes a version number, that refers to the wallet 
> structure. The version number also serves as a checksum, and it 
> will prevent the import of seeds from incompatible wallets. Old 
> Electrum seeds are still supported.
> * New address derivation (BIP32). Standard wallets are single
> account and use a gap limit of 20.
> * Support for Multisig wallets using parallel BIP32 derivations
> and P2SH addresses ("2 of 2", "2 of 3").
> * Compact serialization format for unsigned or partially signed 
> transactions, that includes the BIP32 master public key and 
> derivation needed to sign inputs. Serialized transactions can be 
> sent to cosigners or to cold storage using QR codes (using Andreas 
> Schildbach's base 43 idea).
> * Support for BIP70 payment requests: - Verification of the chain
> of signatures uses tlslite. - In the GUI, payment requests are
> shown in the 'Invoices' tab.
> * Support for hardware wallets: Trezor (Satoshilabs) and Btchip
> (Ledger).
> * Two-factor authentication service by TrustedCoin. This service
> uses "2 of 3" multisig wallets and Google Authenticator. Note that 
> wallets protected by this service can be deterministically
> restored from seed, without Trustedcoin's server.
> * Cosigner Pool plugin: encrypted communication channel for
> multisig wallets, to send and receive partially signed
> transactions.
> * Audio Modem plugin: send and receive transactions by sound.
> * OpenAlias plugin: send bitcoins to aliases verified using
> * New 'Receive' tab in the GUI: - create and manage payment
> requests, with QR Codes - the former 'Receive' tab was renamed to
> 'Addresses' - the former Point of Sale plugin is replaced by a
> resizeable window that pops up if you click on the QR code
> * The 'Send' tab in the Qt GUI supports transactions with multiple 
> outputs, and raw hexadecimal scripts.
> * The GUI can connect to the Electrum daemon: "electrum -d" will 
> start the daemon if it is not already running, and the GUI will 
> connect to it. The daemon can serve several clients. It times out 
> if no client uses if for more than 5 minutes.
> * The install wizard can be used to import addresses or private 
> keys. A watching-only wallet is created by entering a list of 
> addresses in the wizard dialog.
> * New file format: Wallets files are saved as JSON. Note that new 
> wallet files cannot be read by older versions of Electrum. Old 
> wallet files will be converted to the new format; this operation 
> may take some time, because public keys will be derived for each 
> address of your wallet.
> * The client accepts servers with a CA-signed SSL certificate.
> * ECIES encrypt/decrypt methods, availabe in the GUI and using the
> command line: encrypt <pubkey> <message> decrypt <pubkey>
> <message>
> * The Android GUI has received various updates and it is much more 
> stable. Another script was added to Android, called Authenticator, 
> that works completely offline: it reads an unsigned transaction 
> shown as QR code, signs it and shows the result as a QR code.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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