On 2015-03-12 04:51 AM, Neill Miller wrote:
> Ok, I see your point here, and I was referring to rebuilding from
> entropy -- which as you noted is not a real world usage.  It is a
> useful implementation test though and at the very least the existing
> test vectors would need to be regenerated with each word list change.
> I recently added BIP39 to libbitcoin and our implementation would fail
> with an arbitrarily new word list because we validate the user
> provided word list before converting it to a seed (i.e. we check that
> the encoded entropy/checksum line up and warn the user if that's not
> the case to distinguish a rubbish word list from a BIP39 mnemonic --
> as referenced in the BIP).  You're correct that we could use rubbish
> words, but at the moment it's not allowed there.  By removing that
> validating 'restriction', I agree with you that word lists have no
> need to be fixed.  But realistically, we still don't allow completely
> arbitrary words to be used because I don't see the word lists changing
> too often, nor implementations storing word lists of all words and
> languages.

A good way to go about this from a UX point of view is warn the user
that their "phrase is non-standard", but allow them to insist.

> Thanks for clarifying,
> -Neill.
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 04:21:59AM +0000, Thy Shizzle wrote:
>> "I agree that it's true that a static wordlist is
>>  required once people have started using BIP39 for anything real and
>>  changing the word lists will invalidate any existing mnemonics"
>> ^ This is incorrect I think Neill, the reason is that the only thing that 
>> happens when you change the wordlist is that entropy points to different 
>> words. But remember, entropy is disposed. Yes in my code I allow for the 
>> keeping of entropy etc, it also lets me "hot swap" between different 
>> language wordlists etc but in real world implementation the entropy is 
>> forgotten and not stored. So changing the wordlist merely allows new 
>> mnemonic phrases to be generated but it has a nil impact on previously 
>> generated mnemonics UNLESS you are trying to rebuild from entropy but you 
>> wouldn't do that. You would be rebuilding from the Mnemonic in real world 
>> scenario. You really can have a word list of total rubbish in BIP39 as long 
>> as it is 2048 words long that is all! If you input the mnemonic made out of 
>> rubbish words so for e.g "uyuy jkjasd sdsd sdsdd yuuyu sdsds iooioi sdasds 
>> uyuyuy sdsdsd tyyty rwetrtr" and no matter what BIP39 implementation you put 
>> it in, it will always generate the same seed
 bytes thus allowing for complete and universal seed derivation without any 
reliance on word list. The word list is merely to generate a mnemonic, after 
that it has no role in seed generation so you can change it at anytime and it 
will never effect future mnemonics.
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 02:16:38AM +0000, Thy Shizzle wrote:
>>> That's disappointing the Electrum 2.0 doesn't use BIP39.
>> Agreed, but I don't know the full background on this.
>>> Changing the wordlist in the future has ZERO effect on derived seed, 
>>> whatever mnemonic you provide will always generate the same seed, BIP39 is 
>>> not mapping the words back to numbers etc to derive seed.
>> That's true for generating new mnemonics (i.e. same entropy can
>> generate any combinations of words), but not for converting a mnemonic
>> to a seed (i.e. a specific wordlist/passphrase should always generate
>> the same seed).  I agree that it's true that a static wordlist is
>> required once people have started using BIP39 for anything real and
>> changing the word lists will invalidate any existing mnemonics (unless
>> your 'new' wordlist simply substitutes one word for another and the
>> index mapping is made public ... which means it's not really an
>> arbitrary word list).
>>> Version is something that can be dealt with after the fact, hopefully 
>>> standardised (curious why didn't you work with the BIP39 to insert version 
>>> instead of do something different to BIP39?)
>>> So most of what you are suggesting as problems are not.
>> I don't see how this can work given the BIP39 spec as it is today
>> (there's simply no room for a version in the bits).  I do think
>> versioning would be nice, but as of now, I'm in the camp that thinks
>> complete wallet interoperability is a bit of a myth -- so long as you
>> can fundamentally move into/out of wallets at will.
>> -Neill.
>>> As for the common words between languages, I have discussed this with the 
>>> provider of the Chinese wordlists as they shared some words between 
>>> simplified and traditional, but I found it easy to look for a word in the 
>>> mnemonic that is unique to that language/wordlist and so straight away you 
>>> can determine the language, remembering you get minimum 12 goes at doing 
>>> that :)
>>> Also then I asked myself, do we really care about detecting the language? 
>>> Probably not because we don't need to use the wordlist ever again after 
>>> creation, we literally accept the mnemonic, normalise it then hash it into 
>>> a seed. From what I'm reading, Electrum 2.0 really should have BIP39, it 
>>> would take almost no effort to put it in and I think you should do that :) 
>>> I don't have any interest in BIP39 other than it being a standard. I think 
>>> TREZOR may have an interest in it?
>>> Thomas V:
>>> "Thanks Mike, and sorry to answer a bit late; it has been a busy couple
>>> of weeks.
>>> You are correct, a BIP39 seed phrase will not work in Electrum, and vice
>>> versa. It is indeed unfortunate. However, I believe BIP39 should not be
>>> followed, because it reproduces two mistakes I did when I designed the
>>> older Electrum seed system. Let me explain.
>>> The first problem I have with BIP39 is that the seed phrase does not
>>> include a version number.
>>> Wallet development is still in an exploratory phase, and we should
>>> expect even more innovation in this domain. In this context, it is
>>> unwise to make decisions that prevent future innovation.
>>> However, when we give a seed phrase to users, we have a moral obligation
>>> to keep supporting this seed phrase in future versions. We cannot simply
>>> announce to Electrum users that their old seed phrase is not supported
>>> anymore, because we created a new version of the software that uses a
>>> different derivation. This could lead to financial losses for users who
>>> are unaware of these technicalities. Well, at least, that is how I feel
>>> about it.
>>> BIP39 and Electrum v2 have a very different ways of handling future
>>> innovation. Electrum v2 seed phrases include an explicit version number,
>>> that indicates how the wallet addresses should be derived. In contrast,
>>> BIP39 seed phrases do not include a version number at all. BIP39 is
>>> meant to be combined with BIP43, which stipulates that the wallet
>>> structure should depend on the BIP32 derivation path used for the wallet
>>> (although BIP43 is not followed by all BIP39 compatible wallets). Thus,
>>> innovation in BIP43 is allowed only within the framework of BIP32. In
>>> addition, having to explore the branches of the BIP32 tree in order to
>>> determine the type of wallet attached to a seed might be somewhat
>>> inefficient.
>>> The second problem I see with BIP39 is that it requires a fixed
>>> wordlist. Of course, this forbids innovation in the wordlist itself, but
>>> that's not the main problem. When you write a new standard, it is
>>> important to keep this standard minimal, given the goal you want to
>>> achieve. I believe BIP39 could (and should) have been written without
>>> including the wordlist in the standard.
>>> There are two ways to derive a master key from a mnemonic phrase:
>>>  1. A bidirectional mapping between words and numbers, as in old
>>> Electrum versions. Pros: bidirectional means that you can do Shamir
>>> secret sharing of your seed. Cons: It requires a fixed wordlist.
>>>  2. Use a hash of the seed phrase (pbkdf). Pros: a fixed wordlist is not
>>> required. Cons: the mapping isn't bidirectional.
>>> Electrum v1 uses (1). Electrum v2 uses (2).
>>> Early versions of BIP39 used (1), and later they switched to (2).
>>> However, BIP39 uses (2) only in order to derive the wallet keys, not for
>>> its checksum. The BIP39 checksum uses (1), and it does requires a fixed
>>> wordlist. This is just plainly inconsistent. As a result, you have
>>> neither wordlist flexibility, nor Shamir secret sharing.
>>> Having a fixed wordlist is very unfortunate. First, it means that BIP39
>>> will probably never leave the 'draft' stage, until all languages of the
>>> world have been added. Second, once you add a wordlist for a new
>>> language, you cannot change it anymore, because it will break existing
>>> seed phrases; therefore you have to be extremely careful in the way you
>>> design these wordlists. Third, languages often have words in common.
>>> When you add a new language to the list, you should not use words
>>> already used by existing wordlists, in order to ensure that the language
>>> can be detected. It leads to a first come first served situation, that
>>> might not be sustainable in the future.
>>> In order to support the old Electrum v1 seeds, all future versions of
>>> Electrum will have to include the old wordlist. In addition, when
>>> generating new seed phrases, Electrum now has to avoid collisions with
>>> old seed phrases, because the old ones did not have a version number.
>>> This is painful enough, I will not repeat the same errors twice.
>>> Electrum v2 derives both its private keys and its checksum/version
>>> number using a hash of the seed phrase. This means that wordlists can be
>>> added and modified in the future, without breaking existing seed
>>> phrases. It also means that it will be very easy for other wallets to
>>> support Electrum seedphrases: it requires about 20 lines of code, and no
>>> wordlist is required."
>>> Thomas
>>> Le 02/03/2015 16:37, Mike Hearn a écrit :
>>>> Congrats Thomas! Glad to see Electrum 2 finally launch.
>>>>> * New seed derivation method (not compatible with BIP39).
>>>> Does this mean a "12 words" wallet created by Electrum won't work if
>>>> imported into some other wallet that supports BIP39? Vice versa? This seems
>>>> unfortunate. I guess if seeds are being represented with 12 words
>>>> consistently, people will expect them to work everywhere.
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