Agree with everything you said.  Spot on observations on all counts.
Thank you for speaking up.


On 1 June 2015 at 13:45, Jérôme Legoupil <> wrote:
>>What do other people think?
>>If we can't come to an agreement soon, then I'll ask for help
>>reviewing/submitting patches to Mike's Bitcoin-Xt project that implement a
>>big increase now that grows over time so we may never have to go through
>>all this rancor and debate again."
>>I'll then ask for help lobbying the merchant services and exchanges and
>>hosted wallet companies and other bitcoind-using-infrastructure companies
> It's surprising to see a core dev going to the public to defend a proposal
> most other core devs disagree on, and then lobbying the Bitcoin ecosystem.
> This is an very unhealthy way to go because it incentives the other core
> devs to stop their technical work and go public and lobby too (cf G.Maxwell
> trying to raise redditters awareness).
> We need core devs to work on technical issues, not waste time doing
> politics, but Gavin's confrontational approach doesn't give them much of a
> choice.
> I fear that because of this approach, in the next monthes, core devs with be
> lobbying and doing politics : precious time will be wasted for everyone
> having stake in Bitcoin.
> Regarding the 20MB proposal content:
> Decentralization is the core of Bitcoin's security model and thus that's
> what gives Bitcoin its value.
> The danger is that decentralization tends naturally towards centralization,
> because centralization is more efficient. Going from decentralization to
> centralization is easy, going the other way is a lot harder :
> decentralization we lose, may never be gained back.
> Regarding "the urgency to do something":
> I believe it would be extremely healthy for the network to bump into any
> limit ASAP ... (let it be 1MB) : to incentive layer 2 and offchain solutions
> to scale Bitcoin : there are promising designs/solutions out there (LN,
> ChainDB, OtherCoin protocole, ...), but most don't get much attention,
> because there is right now no need for them. And, I am sure new solutions
> will be invented.
> If during the "1MB bumpy period" something goes wrong, consensus among the
> community would be reached easily if necessary.
> Pretending there is urgency and that Apocalypse is approaching is a fallacy.
> The Gavin 20MB proposal is compromising Bitcoin's long-term security in an
> irreversible way, for gaining short-term better user experience.
> I oppose the Gavin proposal in both content and form.
> Cheers,
> Jerome
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