On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 06:05:58PM +0200, Mike Hearn wrote:

> Once a draft BIP has been submitted to bitcoin-development for
> consideration, the Bitcoin Core maintainer will deliver a preliminary
> yes/no verdict within three weeks. This verdict may be informed by the
> debate that has taken part in the previous three weeks. If more time is
> required, the maintainer is required to request an extension from the BIP
> author, who may then elect to force an immediate decision (risking a no),
> or choosing to allow more time.

Again, for the last time: Bitcoin Core maintainer does not decide about 
protocol or consensus level changes.

This is not a role for me. Find someone else, if you think you need an arbiter. 
There was an idea about a Bitcoin Standards Body once, but as far as I know 
that's not actively being worked on.

BTW: for more exposure a proposal is better posted as a new thread, not as a 
deep reply to an existing topic.


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