
I am not sure exactly where it is failing for you, but I'll give you some 
tips to debug your problem. First things first:

Dance of the Filtered Block:
- Exchange version messages
- Verify that the remote version has filtered block service bit set 
- Compute a bloom filter (BIP-37)
- Send filterload message with bloom filter data structure
- Send getdata message with type field set to MSG_FILTERED_BLOCK rather 
than MSG_BLOCK for every block you want to download
- Wait for the filtered block in a merkleblock message followed by relevant 
transactions in tx messages (that have not already been sent to you)
- Decode the filtered block to obtain the list of txids for the leaves 
(transactions) that have been matched against the filter (optional)

Good luck!

On Thursday, 3 August 2017 19:50:44 UTC+1, dduck wrote:
> I am new to bitcoinj. I am trying to write sample code to connect to a 
> peer. sends peer a bloom filter. 
> However, it's not clear to me how to obtain filtered block from peer ? 
> can someone guide me throw this ? 
> Thanks a lot.
> Duc

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