
I've been working on modifying bitcoinj to use segwit, I've seen that other 
people are also working on bitcoinj+SW, and would like to share where I am 
and ask a few questions:

The changes so far are:

   - modify the protobuf definitions and serialization code to include 
   witness data (I think that it should fix issue #1418)
   - a few sw-related minor changes (like not using the payload hash that 
   comes with tx messages for sw txs)
   - a "segwit" mode (more info below)

I believe that the first 2 sets of changes could make their way into 
bicoinj (segwit branch) as-is.
The "segwit mode" is a mode where all receive and change addresses are 
P2SH-of-P2WPKH instead of P2PKH. My understanding is that it is the 
recommended way of migrating a wallet to segwit.

We've used this modified version of bitcoinj in our work on Lighting and it 
fit our requirements, but I would like to have your opinion before I submit 
a PR: 

   - the segwit mode is triggered by an environment variable, but I was 
   wondering if there might be a better option (maybe the Context object but 
   I'm not too sure) ?
   - Also, it is a "binary" mode i.e either all UTXOs managed by the wallet 
   are segwit outputs, or none of them are. I don't see how to mix both modes 
   since to get the benefit of SW then all outputs that you spend must be SW 
   - Likewise, the only migration strategy for an existing wallet that I 
   see is "send everything to a new SW output" ? It's not clear to me yet 
   whether bitcoinj can manage several different wallets at the same time ?
   - I'm not sure how segwit is supposed to work with "married" wallets 

Best regards,


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