
i have some questions belonging to problems after having made lots of 
transactions with this wallet.
I would like to implement a webstore - everything works fine - i receive 
transaction by 
In case of a server breakdown - the server can not see the incomming 
transaction. In my tests - after 'not' receiving some coins without to be 
online the system did not fire
events for the missed transactions after it was online again. How can i 
'notice' that a customer has paid the money to his wallet-address?

I read the documentation - and i found:

  Wallet.reset()    (-> did not work !!)

I tried to use them - and it solves (theoretically) my problem, BUT i have 
some questions/concerns/issues:

1) in case of using getRecentTransaction - what is the best/correct number 
of "number of transaction"?  Integer.Max ? An number
calculated by (average_transactions_per_hour * time_of_server_offline * 
failure_save_factor). ? Any hints? Ideas ? 
Another idea is to start with e.g. 500. And if the first 500 did not have a 
allready processed entry - get 1000... and so on .... util a well known 
trnasaction has been reached. 

I just need the (unkown) last transactions until the last processed 
transaction is in the list. (I store the processed transaction in my 

2) In case of getTransactionsByTime() - imagine having a big big webstore 
for a long time with really many many many many transactions. 
How big will the list be? All transactions from beginning of the life of 
the wallet? Might be very very many entries so will i get a "outOfMemory" 
Would it be a good idea to change the wallet after some time and start with 
a 'brand new' wallet to get rid of the old processed transactions?

Thank you in helping to anser my problems

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