On 10/12/2017 02:08 AM, Manfred Karrer wrote:

> I had the same concerns regarding Bloq's seed node addition and removed
> it from Bisq's BitcoinJ fork
> (https://github.com/bisq-network/bitcoinj/commit/7b2ed972fa09237a79388d39c49f51ee6aa17ac3).

Perhaps we should add methods for removing and adding DNS seeds from
NetworkParameters. NetworkParameters is meant to be constant, but we
could have a configuration phase before it is actually being used.

> Though there are much more problematic privacy issues with the broken
> Bloom filter implementation and design. Any full node (operated by a
> surveillance company like Skry) can find out that all wallet addresses
> belong to one user and if you don't use Tor they even know your IP address.
> Unfortunately nobody is working on that to fix that.

The current plan to fix this is by full nodes offering reverse bloom
filters (or similar), if I remember this correctly. Instead of lite
clients sending their custom bloom filter to the full node, full nodes
would construct filters from their blocks and send them to the lite
clients. They would be committed to the blockchain so full nodes could
not lie.

One unsolved problem with this is this idea would not work with pending

> The chain blindness of BitcoinJ is another major concern not addressed
> as far I know and will set BitcoinJ users at risk to spend their Bitcoin
> on a chain which they don't want to support and/or get exposed to replay
> attacks. Very concerning IMO!

I would not say bitcoinj is blind to the chain. It always follows the
chain with most accumulated work, which is a very specific chain from a
users point of view.

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