Since client-side filtering (BIP157/158) isn't really an option for
light wallets, I'm thinking about how to improve server-side connection
filtering (BIP37 aka "bloom filters").

I propose the following changes to BIP37 (via a new BIP of course):


* A new matching rule

For each tx, each output scriptPubKey is tested against the filter. For
each tx except coinbase, each scriptPubKey spent by any input is tested
against the filter. If any of those matches, the tx or block is
considered matching. I think the old matching rules could be removed at
some point.

In my opinion, this would fix the privacy issue that wallets have to add
two items per address to the filter, which has opened an easy way for an
attacker to distinguish false positives from true positives. A wallet
would now only add one item per address: the scriptPubKey the address

I believe this would also get rid of any need to change the filter
immediately upon match via the awkward BLOOM_UPDATE_* mechanism. This is
because wallets can pre-generate as many addresses as they want. E.g.
bitcoinj pre-generates 133 addresses per chain, it will take a long time
to consume those. If they're all consumed, a wallet would disconnect and
connect to a different peer.

This would also open up using client-side filtering to other uses,
because entirely scriptPubKeys are matched rather than just pubKeys or
pubKey hashes.

* "filterload" can only be used once per connection; removal of
"filteradd" and "filterclear"

If a filter needs to change, better disconnect and connect to a
different peer. If an attacker learns two different filters of the same
wallet, s/he could derive addresses by correlating the two filters.

* A full node may reject a filter at any time

A full node would do this to prevent overload, e.g. in case a filter
matches too many items. It would send a BIP61 reject message and disconnect.

* Optional: A different filter algorithm

Perhaps it is in the interest of Bitcoin Core to maintain just one
filter algorithm, not two. If at any point they merge BIP157/158, we
could perhaps adopt the algorithm from there (Golomb-Rice).

* Related: Connection opportunistic encryption



I think this proposal is a significant improvement to privacy. It would
also ultimately make the implementations simpler on both sides, as we
drop all the old mechanisms. It would however not fix the issue that
full nodes can lie to clients by omission in the case of filtered blocks.

Ideas? Comments?

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