Wouldn't a WBP54G + PAP2T do the same thing for a FRACTION of the cost? I
have a customer doing that at a convention centre in the GTA.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Sweeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: July 10, 2007 10:52 AM
> To: biz@taug.ca
> Subject: [biz] Very cool little box.
> Check this little guy out.
> www.neware.ca
> It is called the WiPOT. (For WiFi Plain Old Telephone line)
> The device delivers legacy analog telephone signal via any WiFi
> available network.
> You can use it send and receive faxes, Phones and most importantly for
> us POS terminals. We have a lot of use for them. And they work well
> with
> Asterisk!
> But I also think anyone could use them in an office environment (office
> in a box) where people keep moving around or just about anywhere you
> don't feel like running a line to. I know I am sick of running wires!
> It
> can act as a network bridge with a DHCP server and 4 port switch!
> I think companies that have WiFi everywhere (i.e. Toronto Hydro
> Telecom)
> could use them to deloy VoIP service to home and business customers
> using Asterisk.
> Pretty cool. We are using a few for the Grand Prix in outdoor areas
> where we can't physically run a phone line to. They were expensive but
> since we charge a lot for a phone line they payback quickly.
> *They are a Toronto company.I think they are looking for a Canadian
> distributor so if anyone is interested give them a call.
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