Answers to the frequently asked questions:
- They're not cheap; $200 to reserve, $400 total
- They support GSM, no CDMA -- so Rogers/Fido network only
- I'm checking whether these ones support 850mhz, which is important
for coverage outside the city cores

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Simon P. Ditner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The guys from Koolu wrote me and said they have a block of rev 2.
>  OpenMoko phones coming in at the end of April
>  (; they do come in
>  black). If anyone is interested in pre-ordering before they go up on
>  their website, email me offlist and perhaps we can do a group order if
>  there's enough interest.
>  Cheers,
>  spd
>  (no, I don't get a kickback ;-), but yes I have some stock)

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