I'm looking for a speaker* for August 26th, please contact me off-list
if you're interested, or have a suggestion for someone we should bring
in for a talk.

Some topics that have been floating around:
- T1, E1, etc. from the ground up; how to get digital circuits in
- How to do cross connects with digital circuits
- Load testing with sip-p
- webmin
- dual WAN / network redundancy
- how predictive diallers work
- VoIP clients for Android/iPhone/Blackberry/Symbian/WinCE|WinMobile

We're a very friendly group, and it's a great experience if you
haven't done a talk before. Fame and fortune await!


*we're using city facilities, so your topic can't be trying to solicit
business directly

| It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what
| you know for sure that just ain't so.   -- Mark Twain
| Network: http://www.linkedin.com/in/spditner
|          http://facebook.com/people/Simon-P-Ditner/776370031
|          http://twitter.com/spditner

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