Hello, I'm looking to sell some VoIP equipment I have.
1. I have an Audio codes MP-114 2FXS/FXO which I'd like to get $250. Similar to this item I found on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/AudioCodes-MediaPack-MP-114-2-FXS-2-FXO-/160452193237?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255bb22bd5 2. Also I have 2 Aastra 6757i CT phones. Complete with cordless handset's, the battery is dead on the cordless handset. I'd like to get $200 each for these, or $375 for both. http://www.aastratelecom.com/cps/rde/xchg/SID-3D8CCB6A-2B88CA97/03/hs.xsl/21550.htm 3. Linksys SPA941 I have two of these with power cubes in perfect working condition. I'm looking to get $110 each or $200 for both. If anyone feels these prices are unreasonable just email me an offer. I've tried to price them below the lowest prices I've found online. Thanks, Nik