I am specialist in Asterisk
My profile in LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/hvardan71
Currently I am in Armenia Yerevan, will be in Toronto at 16 Feb 2011.


Vardan Harutyunyan,
Senior System Administrator

Enterprise Incubator Foundation
123 Hovsep Emin Street,
Yerevan 0051, Republic of Armenia
Tel: + 374 10 219735
Fax: + 374 10 219777
E-mail: i...@eif.am

Mark Palser wrote:
I have a similar request to the one below, only the customer is in
Toronto, they want a 50 seat install of Asterisk, no Linux capable
staff, please email me for contact info, thanks, Mark.

-----Original Message-----
From: saurin ajmeri [mailto:sajm...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:52 AM
To: biz@taug.ca
Subject: [biz] Client in Niagra Falls - Email found in subject

Hi Everybody,

I have client who wants to setup voip for his medical building in
Niagara Falls. Please drop me a email if you would like to provide
service in Niagara Falls.

Please reply with some details about your business and i will forward
you his contacts details.

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Bruce N<het...@hotmail.com>  wrote:

I think Cogeco is the only provider who comes close to what you might
want but they operate more to the west of Toronto (I mean cities west
of Toronto).
50Mbps download - Upload unknown - I haven't tested it though but $99
sounds fine.


Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 10:51:10 -0600
From: j...@johnlange.ca
To: aster...@uc.org
Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] Asterisk&  1 Gigabit Internet.

The root problem is lack of competition. We have no competition
because under our foreign ownership regime, Canada does not allow

Unfortunately the CRTC are not helping matters, their board
consists of
ex Bell and Cable people who are very conservative; to the point of
choking off any competition before is viable.

I'm not a big fan of the CRTC for a lot of reasons but on this
particular issue I always feel I have to defend them. The fact is,
the CRTC was taking steps to increase competition and one of the
first things the Conservatives did when they came to power in 2007
was order them to stop.

Here is a nice little article in an archive that explains just how
ticked off the bureaucrats at the CRTC were at the Conservatives
(conform or quit):


And an original story from the CBC that explains what the government

did and how happy the incumbents were:


The Conservatives have also not lifted the foreign ownership
restrictions in Telecom despite several bi-partisan reports that
recommended they do so. As recently as this November, Tony Clement
announced they would not be allowing competition (foreign owned
companies) in Canadian Telecom any time soon.

So on this one, it's squarely in the hands of the politicians, not

Not to promote my own blog on this list but I've written extensively

on competition, deregulation and the CRTC including a whole post on
the favorite Canadian sport of bashing the CRTC for everything:


John Lange

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