Took a little trip to the sale barn on the boarder of
Oklahoma and Arkansas, and the prices were low at this
sale also. There were several ABB Rams sold and none,
even some with what I thought were very good horns,
brought less then $100. dollars. Some of the ewes
brought around $45. dollars. I've tried several times
to sale at this time of year and have not had any luck
this time of year. I do have a question about "PO'ing"
How does that work?

--- "Johnson, Oneta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hey everyone.  Has anyone sold lambs/sheep at market
> lately.  I was
> shocked.  Sent a nice size, 7 month old ram with a
> good set of horns on
> him to TX yesterday (we are in OK). Needless to say
> he is back home
> today.  PO'd him at 25.00 and from what I was told
> by several people,
> almost all the sheep were PO'd, wool and hair.  None
> going for much.
> What have you seen lately.  
> Thanks OJ
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