At 01:35 PM 10/24/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Julien,
>I've seen photos of sheep that simply are not good sheep because they are
>too wooly and it never sheds. There are a lot of crosses that do that.
>You'll know them when you see them. Your ram Art is borderline. If I were
>you, I'd wait another year before I ruled on his wooliness because he is
>young yet. The fact that his sister is relatively sleek supports the idea
>that it may be a temporary thing for him.

Thanks for your input, Carol.  We'll see how everyone turns out next 
spring.  Art doesn't really matter, though... the reason his name is 
Wall Art, is his markings:

Once he sheds out in the spring, we'll have a nice hide to put on the 
wall, and maybe some nice horns to put up, too :)


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