Sorry, I did not think to say we are in Oklahoma so we do not usually have to 
worry about crazy temp changes, just wild fires this year.  I would go with 
what Susan said if you are north and cold.  Would be hard on the baby just like 
it is on us but if your south I say go out and play.  
Also, our guy still likes to but with the bigger dogs.  It is fun to watch as 
he keeps it real mild like he knows he could hurt him.  What personalities.  oj

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [blackbelly] Rejected Ram Lamb

Hi Elaine,  I probably am one of the few people who actually enjoy the 
experience of raising bottle babies.  I don't go snatch one just so I can do 
it, but it is for me a truely great experience.  I have bottle fed ram lambs 
and when old enough turned them out with the other ram lambs and just ignore 
them, and run them off if they get to close.  I have not had trouble with 
them being to friendly when I treat them this way.  Being in Michigan and if 
a lamb needs to be bottle fed it comes into the house until he/she is old 
enough to wean.  I don't put a lamb in and out of the house for fear of 
pneumonia.  I could raise a bottle lamb outside but if you have ever had to 
go outside every two hours in below zero weather with the wind 
blowing.........well its to cold for me.  I have six dogs, Danes , G. 
Shepherd, and mixes of various sizes.  At first the dogs are all mushy and 
want to be all over the lamb.  But after awhile my dogs just adjust to a new 
member.  It gets a little weird around here when the lamb is old enough to 
start butting because they usually take on the dogs.  To funny.  I know this 
probably didn't help you much, but I sure had a good time remembering bottle 
babies in the house.  I know they are a pain to have inside, but they are so 
sweet  :-)  Susan

>From: "Elaine Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "blackbelly" <>
>Subject: [blackbelly] Rejected Ram Lamb
>Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 14:24:02 -0600
>Hello Everyone,
>First of all, I must say that the timing of all of the suggestions for
>difficult births couldn't have been more perfect.  Unfortunately, we did
>not have most of the materials on hand when one of our ewes gave birth to
>twins this morning.  She accepted the ewe lamb, but rejected the much
>smaller ram lamb.  At first, I didn't even realize there were two little
>ones - our dogs discovered the second one.  I picked him up and tried to
>put him near his mother, but she kept gently butting him away and
>concentrated on the ewe lamb.  After driving 40 miles to town and getting
>Nutra 24 (which has stated on the label to feed ONLY colustrum replacement
>for the first 24 hours), I drove to the vet supply store to get colustrum
>replacement.  He was very happy to have his first feeding and had a smaller
>second feeding not too long after the first.  Total of about 8 oz.  He is
>resting on my lap as I am writing this, and all three of our dogs are
>incredibly interested in him.  I tried putting the lamb back in the pen
>with the rest of his herd, but when they saw me approaching they all stood
>up and when I entered the pen with the reject, they all walked as far away
>as they could.  I don't know what else to do besides keep him in the house
>with us for now.  The dogs (a Rottweiler and two German Shepherds) seem to
>be a little overbearing - licking and poking at his face and butt with
>their noses, and slobbering on him as much as they can.
>I know some of you have had to deal with bottle fed lambs (I am not
>thrilled that this one is a ram, but his lamb coat coloration is what we
>have been hoping for), and I was hoping for some input.  About how long
>will I need to wait before turning him back in with his herd?  Are there
>any other supplements that I should pick up?  I don't know if I need
>Nutradrench while I am feeding the Nutra 24 (this is for multi-animal use,
>with lambs specified on the label).  Should I be worried about our dogs? Or
>just watch them?
>Thanks for any suggestions.
>Elaine Wilson
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