Thanks Carol, that works a lot better...

 FOlks, Walter Jeffries, in Vermont has a website

Has lots of usefull information and links- And all
material you want, if you wish, to use to  fight NAIS
may be downloaded and used for free-- however, if you
use it to support NAIS, he threatens to let his ram
butt you into the next county, or something to that

I, myself, have been accused of wearing a tinfoil hat,
but several people on a poultry list are indicating
that NAIS reminds their older relatives of "Hitler

I see nothing wrong with requiring people to be
responsible about their animals health, and making
sure that a problem they have is not going to affect
the whole population nationwide. But lets face it--
when Uncle Sam can step in and wipe out your livlihood
just because a chicken fell over dead three miles
away---it is time to fight.It is people like us,
fighting to preserve the gene pool of rare/endangered
breeds that will be most hurt by NAIS.


--- "Carol J. Elkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The government doesn't make it easy sometimes!

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