How would you feel about what was happening over and
over toyour body? pregnancy is hard on a body-- doesnt
matter if you are a hen or an elephant-- I am all for
giving the uterus a break!!! give Mom a change to
totakkly dry up, re-adjust her hormnones, etc...if
your purpose is to get as many lambs out of one ewe as
possible, then are you really humane in your
ethics?Fertility is a sign of health-- but health must
be maintained...

Terry W

--- Sue Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Barb,
> Thanks for the heads up on this. I guess for the
> most part we have a 
> thriving herd. We haven't had a whole lot of those
> kinds of problems that 
> you listed. We do have mineral block for sheep
> available at all times along 
> with salt and now and then some baking soda. I know
> that the feed company we 
> use puts some salt and minerals in the feed also.
> Guess I will leave them 
> alone.
> I do have a question though. When we 1st got these
> sheep, we were told that 
> the ewes would lamb 5 times in a 3 year period and
> then seem to 'take a 
> break' in lambing( we figured when the 6th lambing
> should occur). These 
> girls haven't taken any breaks at all. Should we as
> herders give them that 
> break and remove the ram from them? Of is this just
> an 'old wives tale' so 
> to speak? I would like to hear what you and others
> think about this. Sue 
> Miller
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