sorry Moderator, forgot to disable graphics on first
message sent.
Hi Dana:  I've been raising American Blackbellies
(horned stock) for several years and we absolutely
love the meat!  It is lean, no added junk, and it
tastes a whole lot better than wool sheep - no lanolin
for one thing!  Very mild.  Most of my customers buy
from me because I don't outcross and they want animals
that can be registered, or for the meat.  It's true
they do not get as big as woolies, but the meat is
worth it - it turns out to cost my customers about
$4/pound when it's cut and wrapped.  As an added
benefit, they are cool to watch - very exotic looking
and the babies are a hoot when they go bouncing
around!  Nice to hear from you,


> I live in Southern Idaho and currently  have 4
> Blackbelly's".  I have read 
> that they are not grown comercially due to their
> slow growth weight and 
> since they are "hair" sheep, fiber is out as well.
> Are most of you raising them as a hobby?
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Dana
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Cheryl McLaughlin
McLaughlin Appaloosas &
Quarter Horses

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