If I recall, Sheep have two "horns" to the uterus. And like many animals with
such an arrangement, one can maintain a pregnancy in one horn while 'expelling'
a pregnancy in another. Nature's redundancy can be helpfull this way. Many
rabbit breeders I  communicate with indicate that the need to  remove the doe
immediate after breeding to a buck is to help prevent two pregnancies from
occurring within such a short period of time, that the labor from the first
pregnancy causes a premature birth of the later pregnancy! Animals that
'litter' are especially prone to multiple age birthings- youmay be able to find
dog breeders that can tell you tales of such litters-- where part of the litter
was definitely 'older' than the rest. Stimulation ovulators also have the
ability to develop pregnancies that are of differing ages when exposed to males
with strong drives.
 Also, sometimes, in mammals  with one "room" in the uterus, a "twin" will be
born prematurely/aborted due to some injury or defect, while the healthier one
is retained. My younger brother was a retained twin--

Terry W

--- Mary Swindell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is a chance that a ewe can lamb twice?  Is 
> it possible that she could have maintained a pregnancy with other 
> lambs after birthing one fully developed lamb early?  The first lamb 
> was born March 13, so this is almost a month later.  Honestly I would 
> call the vet, but there is nothing here to make me think this ewe is 
> unhealthy.  I am completely stumped.
> Mary Swindell
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