Ah, I remember that lesson well... 

I got burned by my first group not long after "moving to the country". Two
rams, three ewes. They seemed so calm in those crates...no problem I
thought... "I'll just open their doors and let them out into this pen till
morning. They'll be fine"...

I slowly opened each animals crate and stepped out of the pen. It was dark
but the best I can tell, they slowly eased out together and then.... WHAM!
The biggest ram blasted the enclosure wide open and the rest came tumbling
after. I stood there in shock while they disappeared into the woods. I could
hear them bleating and crashing through the jungle...  it was obvious that
they were traveling at TOP SPEED....within a minute there was complete
silence. It was over... not a trace... not a peep... all gone. 
Afterwards, when my neighbor got through laughing(he looked and sounded just
like the donkey on "HEE HAW") he informed me of rule number one of raising
(spoken slowly with a strong southern accent)
Rule Number One: DON'T YOU NEVER... NEVER EVER... unload ANY animals at
night, especially their FIRST NIGHT. (at this point you spit if you have any

I guess it would have been unethical to let the city slicker know this rule

Oh well, it turned out okay.
I managed to recover all of them over the next week, due to some nice
neighbors and a TON of luck.

 Things will get better. :0)

Best of luck,

Chris B.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris &
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:12 AM
To: blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info
Subject: [blackbelly] Help!

So my intro to BBs. I got 2 ewe lambs last night. We brought them home 
~10:30 & unloaded them into a cattle pannel enclosure. One escaped 
immediately and is gone. The other freaked out, this morning and is 
loose in the big 1 acre pasture with just hot wire around it. Don't 
think that's going to do much. So besides putting out water and saying a 
prayer I am going to go beat the bushes for "Coyote Bait" as she is now 
named and make one more request for my horses to please befriend this 
little lost lamb.
Any other suggestions???
PS Beth not sure about that ram at this point! 

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