>NAIS in the Farm Bill
>Take Action Now!
>URGENT ALERT: Call the Senate Agriculture Committee IMMEDIATELY
>The Senate Agriculture Committee has just released the draft 
>language of the Farm Bill, which will be discussed by the Committee 
>tomorrow.  The bad news is that the Livestock Title includes 
>NAIS!  Senator Harkin has included a provision that defines NAIS and 
>addresses confidentiality of the information collected under 
>it.  This section implies approval of the USDA's program, without 
>addressing the many problems with NAIS, including the USDA's 
>misleading and coercive tactics.
>  Take Action
>Call Senators Harkin and Chambliss, and your Senators. Ask to speak 
>to the staffer who handles agricultural issues.  If you are 
>transferred to voice mail, leave a message with your name, phone 
>number, and the reason you are calling.  Be sure to mention that you 
>are a constituent.
>MESSAGE:  I want section 10305 taken out of the Farm Bill.  I do not 
>want NAIS included in the Farm Bill in any manner at all.  While we 
>appreciate Senator Harkin trying to protect people's privacy, the 
>provision does more harm than good.  The Senate should not imply 
>approval for any form of federally planned or funded NAIS.
>People to Contact:
>Senator Tom Harkin, Chairman of Agriculture Committee, (D-IA) 202-224-3254
>Senator Saxby Chambliss, Ranking Member of the Agriculture 
>Committee, (R-GA) 202-224-3521
>Your Senators: Go to 
>www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm or call 
>the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 or toll free at 
>877-851-6437.   Be sure to call both of the Senators for your state.
>More information on Section 10305 and NAIS is at the end of this alert.
>  Additional Contacts
>If you have extra time after calling your Senators, Senator Harkin, 
>and Senator Chambliss, call the other Committee members, listed 
>below. And pass this on to your friends and relatives in those states!
>Other Members of the Committee:
>Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 202-224-4242
>Kent Conrad (D-ND) 202-224-2043
>Max Baucus (D-MT) 202-224-2651
>Blanch Lincoln (D-AR) 202-224-4843
>Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) 202-224-4822
>Ben Nelson (D-NE) 202-224-6551
>Ken Salazar (D-CO) 202-224-5852
>Sherrod Brown (D-OH) 202-224-2315
>Robert Casey (D-PA) 202-224-6324
>Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 202-224-3244
>Richard Lugar (R-IN) 202-224-4814
>Thad Cochran (R-MS) 202-224-5054
>Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 202-224-2541
>Pat Roberts (R-KS) 202-224-4774
>Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 202-224-5972
>Norm Coleman (R-MN) 202-224-5641
>Mike Crapo (R-ID) 202-224-6142
>John Thune (R-SD) 202-224-2321
>Charles Grassley (R-IA) 202-224-3744
>  More Information and Talking Points on NAIS
>For more information on NAIS, go to 
>www.farmandranchfreedom.org.  The Top 10 Myths is good reading for 
>newcomers to this issue.
>Talking Points:
>Please do not put any provision for NAIS in the Farm Bill.  It is 
>not right to insert a section to address confidentiality of 
>information collected under NAIS, without addressing the myriad 
>abuses that USDA has committed under the program.
>NAIS will hurt our economy:
>There still is no cost-benefit analysis of NAIS. USDA has only 
>recently requested one from Kansas State University. The study is 
>unlikely to be a thorough or unbiased study, given that Kansas State 
>has just established a federally-funded Animal Identification Center.
>Costs of the program include the cost of the tags, hardware, 
>software, time and labor
>Many small farmer and ranchers cannot afford these costs
>Service providers (veterinarians, feed stores, auction houses, meat 
>processors, etc.) will be harmed when the farmers and ranchers go 
>out of business.
>Remaining farmers will pass the costs on to consumers, adding to inflation
>The USDA has provided no scientific proof to show that NAIS will 
>improve disease control:
>It does not address the cause, treatment, or transmission of 
>disease, in domestic or wild animals.
>It does not significantly improve on current methods for 
>identification and tracking of disease.
>NAIS is not necessary for the market. Age- and source-verification 
>is already available through the USDA's Process Verified Program
>NAIS will not improve food safety:
>USDA itself has stated that this is not a food safety program
>Contamination of food with e. coli and other bacteria occurs at the 
>slaughterhouse or afterwards, while NAIS will stop before that point.
>NAIS will not protect against terrorism:
>The microchips chosen by the state can be cloned, destroyed, or 
>infected with computer viruses, and reprogrammed. Any terrorist or 
>thief can use this.
>The database of information, created by the state agency and 
>available to USDA, will provide a target for hackers.
>NAIS infringes on people's constitutional rights, including due 
>process, privacy, and religious freedom.
>  More Information on the Farm Bill Provision
>Section 10305 of the draft Farm Bill provides:
>Sec. 10305: Protection of Information in the Animal Identification System:
>The Animal Health Protection Act (7 USC 8301 et seq.) is amended ... 
>by inserting ... the following:
>(a) Definition of National Animal Identification System - In this 
>section, the term "national animal identification system" means a 
>system for identifying or tracing animals that is established by the Secretary,
>(b) Protection from Disclosure ...
>For the full provision, go to http://agriculture.senate.gov/ and 
>follow the links for the Farm Bill.
>We have three opportunities to get this NAIS provision taken out of 
>the Farm Bill: (1) in Wednesday's committee hearing; (2) on the 
>floor of the Senate; and (3) in conference committee.  So please be 
>prepared to keep up the calls and letters.  We're in this fight for 
>the long haul!
>Judith McGeary
>Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance

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