At 06:48 PM 1/24/2010, I wrote:
>Giving a ewe a CD/T shot every 2nd or 3rd year, a month or two before breeding 
>time would probably be perfectly adequate to confer (temporary) immunity to 
>the lambs.  IMO, lambs should not receive any vaccines prior to 8 weeks, and 
>12 weeks would be better.  The mother's colostrum provides immunity longer 
>than that, and the young lamb's immune system is not able to make use of a 
>vaccine prior to ~8 weeks anyway.  So a shot at 12 weeks, one at 15-16 weeks, 
>and if they are staying a booster around 1 year old.

OK, I have to modify that advice somewhat.  I came across this:

>But any older animal that has not had its yearly boosters is at risk, as is a 
>yearling that did not receive at
>least 2 vaccinations no earlier than 2 months of age AND a booster at 6 months 
>of age, thus has NO
>antibodies left at 1 year of age! 

It's a good article.  It's target toward goat owners, so it's not 100% 
applicable to sheep, but worth reading.  I lost a goat yesterday to what I 
believe was enterotoxemia.  I probably could have saved her if I'd had the 
anti-toxin on hand, so I strongly advise everybody to buy some.  It's cheap 

Here's another good article:


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