
I also am not a vet but have had a similar situation with one of my lambs.
After a few days of working with her myself I called in the vet.  She said
in her opinion the little ewe lamb had probably been stepped on soon after
being born, she didn't have any broken bones but the vet said that even
though it looked as if she was paralyzed that she was more than likely in
pain.   I don't know how back injuries work but I trust my vet.    The lamb
was destine to be a locker lamb anyway and rather than see her in pain I
decided to put her down.  The next lamb her mother had was perfectly fine.

Good luck with your little Annie.  BTW - After several lambing seasons I
finally decided to never name my sheep until they seem to be "in the clear"
health wise.  It seems to make it a little easier if they don't make it.

Kathi Seaman,
Western Washington

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