Yup, Peter. It sounds like Blondie was definitely in heat. I have one not-so 
friendly bottle girl who when in heat follows me around and wags her tail when 
I pet her on the head or shoulders.  Normally she will barely let me pet her 
when i hand feed her. Blondie will have her crush on you again soon enough. 
Sometimes more than others.

I also find one of my girls does this 100% of the time with our dog. She just 
loves the dog and does not need to be in heat to do the droopy dopey face and 
wagging tail thing. Funny thing is, the dog is a girl, as well.

Michael Smith
Sent from my iPad

On Nov 27, 2010, at 6:32 PM, "Crystal Wolf" <crystalw...@windstream.net> wrote:

> That is really neat Peter that your sheep learned a hand signal.  These sheep 
> are pretty smart.  Most of my girls are not as tame as yours most of them are 
> "touch me not".  I do have a couple that will sniff my fingers and most of 
> them will take treats from my hands.  I give them the large breeder cubes and 
> they are like a bunch of piranha, even climbing over the top of others to get 
> more treats.  They get other treats as well such as bottom of the bag 
> potato/tortilla chips and they like onions and such. So trimmings from 
> vegetables I give them as well and I have one ewe that likes lemons.
> Blondie may have been in heat and that is why she may have wanted your 
> attention, especially if the behavior only lasted a couple of days.  These 
> girls come in about every 17 days.  I have a couple wethers with my girls to 
> keep them happy when I don't want them bred.  They also go down to where my 
> rams are and stand outside their fence.  Fortuntely the boys respect the barb 
> wire fence line.  I did not realize just how strong rams are until last 
> summer when they literally bent up a stock gate because they were fighting 
> each other through gate.  Fixed that though so they can't see each other when 
> they are with their assigned group of girls.
> My sheep don't mind the rain much either unless it is raining pretty hard, 
> then they get into their shed to wait out the rain.  This summer they 
> actually got their coats nice and clean in the summer rain.
> Sounds like you enjoy your sheep as much as I do.  They each have their 
> personality and of course some more than others and I really get a kick out 
> of them.  There are several that recognize their name.  Tess, my oldest ewe 
> will come when called.
> Well have a good weekend and thanks for sharing your sheep.
> Cathy Mayton
> LeapN' Lambs
> “Today I will embrace all that comes into my life and raise the spirits of 
> others”.  Gabriel
> Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance 
> in the rain.  Author unknown. 
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