hello everyone!

A friend asked me why I enjoy being on the road so much. It took me a
while to come up with an answer that really expressed how I feel.

Here it is!

What I am delivering is 'dreams'. The new owners of animals have a dream
about where they want to go with livestock, they find the animal that
can help in that dream, and I deliver their dream to them! It is
exciting to see the facial expressions when people see their new animal
for the first time!

**Biosecurity concerns
**Valuable animals to move
**Animals needing special handling
**Short timeframe transport needed

TravelWithRonK's PremierLimo service is your answer!

Using either of my tow vehicles and either my 14x5 trailer
or my 20x6 double deck trailer TravelWithRonK can provide
that specialized transport that you desire for one animal
or a large load - starting from my Texas base I will
go to your pick up site, pick up the animal(s), transport
them in minimal time to your drop off site, and then
return to my base

to see pictures of the TravelWithRonK 'bus' and 'limo' options go to:


- go to the 'Our Articles' section and click on 'Transporting' (thanks
Jack!) - while on Jack's site be sure to see the gorgeous animals on the
'Enoblements' page - those are the 'best of the best' of the Boer breed!

I always need pick up city/state, drop off city/state, and
a brief description of the animals in each email - I do not
monitor the groups closely so please reply to my home
email address rkee...@realtime.net



Ask about TravelWithRonK PremierLimo service

Ron and Corgi co-pilots Tina and Jeremy (AKC)
operating from a base near Austin TX

private email at rkee...@realtime.net
web site at http://TravelWithRonK.com
group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TravelWithRonK

all animals crossing a state line must have vet inspection
papers before they can legally be transported

TravelWithRonK is dedicated to coast to coast transport of
small quantities of small livestock with over 3000 animals
transported in over 10 years of service

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