hello everyone!

Are the spiking gasoline prices driving you crazy! Do you believe the
speculators have our best interest in mind! NOT ME!

I am resurrecting the TravelWithRonK Discount Certificate program during
March. You can beat the rising gasoline prices by making an investment
that will give you a 100% return! For an investment of $50 you will get
a discount of $100 toward future animal transports beginning with the
April 2011 trip. Yes that includes existing reservations already in
place for the April trip! Fees for future trips will be calculated using
my 'formula' that has been in use for several years. It has proven to be
fair to you and me in spite of fluctuating gasoline prices.

There is no limit on the number of certificates you can purchase at $50
each. There is no time limit on their redemption. Only one certificate
can be used at a time during future trips. The exception to that is if
you use the certificate as part of your animal sales incentive program.
If I pick up animals from your location that are going to several
customers you can assign a discount certificate to EACH customer!

NEWS FLASH! - Tina and Jeremy just told me to include a special
incentive! If you purchase 5 certificates ($250 purchase price) they
will include a sixth certificate for free! That is $600 worth of
discount toward future transports for $250!! WOW!! Try to beat that on
the stock market! (I am going to fire those mutts!)

Please send your name, address, and phone to my private email address


I do not monitor the groups closely so a reply through the group most
likely will be missed. I will reply with my mailing address for Money
Orders and bank certified checks (no personal checks please). Or you can
pay through PayPal to my rkee...@realtime.net account. I must receive
your email during March. This program will not be extended into April!



Ron and Corgi co-pilots Tina and Jeremy (AKC)
operating from a base near Austin TX

Ask about TravelWithRonK PremierLimo service

private email at rkee...@realtime.net
web site at http://TravelWithRonK.com
group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TravelWithRonK

all animals crossing a state line must have vet inspection
papers before they can legally be transported

TravelWithRonK is dedicated to coast to coast transport of
small quantities of small livestock with over 3000 animals
transported in over 10 years of service

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