Just remember this--  Exhaust the air as High Up as you can, on the warmer side 
of the building,n-- bring it in from as low as you can, and on the Shady/cooler 
side of the building.
  If you are building something new- or are fortunate to already have one on 
the property, a  'raised center aisle' barn design is great.   Due to the fluid 
nature of air-exhaust vents need to be larger than intake vents. And of 
course-- if you can shade those shed and barn walls with pole beans,  trellised 
plants of similar grow quick, die back for the winter habits,that goes far in 
keeping the animals comfortable.
 We've been discussing this very issue on a rabbit forum--  you would be 
surprised at how many rabbits die when the air temps get above 75 degrees F.  
Oh, something else that helps--freeze jugs of water, and let the animals cuddle 
up to them. Some people even freeze 5 gallon buckets of water, and set them in 
front of the barn fans-- a good way to help cool off the air under the sheep 
bellies. Be thankful the Black-bellies are not woolly!

 Terry W
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