Minerals play a huge role in our sheep's resistance to parasites.  I
remember Barb Lee had a ram a few years ago who had a perpetual problem
with parasites until she upped his selenium intake, then he was like a
whole other ram.  Many of the health problems in our animals (and
people) are mistaken for a genetic problem, but are actually a
nutritional deficiency.


On 7/19/2011 1:34 PM, Jerry wrote:
> Fellow Blackbelliers,
> I have lost 3 ram lambs (all born in January) in the past 6 weeks, all
> from anemia due to parasites.  I have had ABBs for 6 years now and
> lost a few others along the way but nothing like this year.  I have
> been operating on the theory of letting those least resistant ones die
> out rather than pass on their genes.  But three out of about 40 is too
> many  and I took another one, clearly with anemia, and acting
> lethargic, to the vet today.  These were all destined for the November
> market.  The vet recommended Panacur at 10 ml per animal for the
> entire flock today and again in two weeks .  Our farm is in hot, humid
> South Mississippi with lots of rain and grass.  Our flock is divided
> into three sub-flocks.  Two of these smaller groups are rotated onto
> various paddocks of pasture when the grass gets higher in another
> paddock. The biggest group is on more pasture than they can eat down
> (in the spring and summer anyway).  All of the deaths have occurred in
> the smaller two flocks.
> My questions are these:  Those of you who do not deworm, what is your
> average loss rate?  I suppose it would be different in arid climates
> than in humid ones.
>                                          Has anyone in a similar
> environment to mine found that you have to deworm regularly to keep
> the flocks healthy?  And if so, how often?  And with which
> pharmaceuticals?
> Thanks for your help and for any advice you may have,
> Jerry Kirby
> Windmill Farms LLC
> Picayune, Mississippi
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