I feed my sheep COB with DE 2-3 x / week. I've not had any problem, even
in times of harsh weather when I thought I should have trouble. In
Winter they get beet pulp with the COB and DE.

I recall an article, and perhaps someone on this list remembers where,
that presented worm loads in sheep pre and post chemical worming vs
sheep maintained on an alternative, DE I believe. 

Here is the gist of it: 
The sheep were presented as having a wormload (insert count). Following
the chemical wormer, the count dropped dramatically, but 30 days later
rose sharply, higher than the previous count.

The sheep fed DE maintained a lower level that remained steady. The
study implied a more balanced approach with natural levels of worm load,
vs a greater presence of parasites following chemical dewormers. 

I think that we must consider what chemicals do to the animal's system.
Perhaps follow up deworming with probiotics.

That being said, I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm quite spoiled
by weather conditions not conducive to large parasite populations. If I
lived in the Southeastern USA, I might find my program does not work.
There are, however, other preparations I would/could try, as Shaklee's
Basic-H, Garlic Powder, Wormwood. Rotating pasture with non-ruminants
(horses) can help both species in breaking the worm cycle.

Tracy Wessel
Blackbelly Sheep and Belgian Shepherds

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