Rick: the short answer is yes, BUT I would suggest that if you choose to use
chlorine, use a small quantity of hypochlorite (swimming pool "shock") in
lieu of bleach. Add enough to bring the chlorine level up to about 3-5ppm. I
use a small pinch in the dog's waterer to help sterilize and control algae.
Note that in a pond, this will kill everything that uses gills to respond
(fish, tadpoles, beneficial insect larvae, etc.) but will not harm
mosquitoes, and may not control all algae (species dependant). They probably
have additives that will better control algae in pond environments that are
safe for use (but many are probably based on copper). Usually swimming pool
additives are relatively safe to be ingested - at least on a limited basis.
Having said all that, the algae will not normally harm the sheep.  Also, if
your pond discharges to waters of the U.S. or another person's property -
check with the property owner (don't want to wipe out their Koi pond) and/or
state/federal environmental regulators for limitations.

Having waterers that you can control what goes into and regularly clean is
much better than a using pond for any livestock.

Double J Farms

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