baby antics?  does that ever stop?  My sheep are pretty tame and when I ride 
the 4-wheeler around the property, I call the sheep and they come running, 
bouncing, hoping and flinging themselves into the air.  I love it, it is very 
fun to watch and good exercise for the sheep.  My sheep play on their own in 
the evening.  I have a range of 1 year through 4 years old and they all do it 
and I encourage it.  

I'm glad to hear that your new charge is doing so well.  

Nancy L. Johnson
cell: 301 440 4808

----- Original Message -----
From: "Natasha Lovell" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:57:03 PM
Subject: [Blackbelly] Update on rescued Blackbelly cross

She is easily a Body Score of 3 now (normal weight), and has progressed to 
following me around as well as my 4 month old bottle-raised goat kid does. She 
learned her name ("Rosie"), and comes as well as the average quasi-trained dog. 
I have been able to take her out with the goat herd on neighborhood walks, and 
she still hasn't quite gotten used to browsing on the move, but she does like 
the blackberry leaves. The goats unfortunately still think she looks better in 
a flat shape, so we are in the process of getting a Soay ewe lamb here as a 
companion. Rosie has grown several inches, and acts like she is relaxed and 
comfortable with us. And REALLY wants to be a goat...poor girl.

What age does a sheep lose the baby antics? She has started (as of Saturday) 
bouncing with the baby goat occasionally. She also got a good whiff of male 
goat three weeks ago when I bred a milking doe and is acting like she wants a 
hot date this morning. She was hoping the goat kid was a such luck. So 
I'm pretty sure she's not pregnant like I was initally concerned about. The 
Soay girl will be due in late March/Early April however...not like we need more 
animals...but we have a market for extras nest door - the neighbor likes lamb.

Natasha Lovell
Rubystar Nubian & Guernsey dairy goats
Located in Western WA state
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