I put newborn lambs and their dams in a lambing jug as soon after birth as I can, and they remain there for a couple days; more if there are any problems. A lambing jug allows me to monitor both the ewe and her lambs to ensure that the lambs are getting sufficient milk and are otherwise healthy. The ewe appreciates being separated from the flock because she would do that naturally to protect her lambs. It enables a first-time mom to bond with her lambs. But most importantly, it enables me to catch the little buggers to apply ear tags. I apply them at age 2 days. I use the small brass tags sold by Premier at http://www.premier1supplies.com/detail.php?prod_id=122670&cat_id=103 because in my experience, any larger tag will rip a lamb's tender ear. I apply scrapie tags only to adult sheep and ONLY if they are leaving my farm.

A lambing jug can be a temporary enclosure and measure 6x6 ft or in my case 3 x 12. You can see photos of my lambing jugs at http://critterhaven.biz/info/articles/barn_setup.htm. I built these permanent ones after using scrap chainlink for a couple of years to experiment with the idea.


At 10:26 AM 3/31/2015, you wrote:
So, how do you all identify your lambs? At what age do you typically ear

Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado

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