Hi there,

I've been fiddling around with the Blackbox 0.65.0 source code because I decided that now I just wanted that "taskbar"-wannabe.

The result can be seen in this screenshot:
(At the bottom, that is...)

What do you see: The list of applications available/present on the current workspace (1). The white rectangle around "Term" indicates that that one has the focus. One can activate/raise any of the apps. by clicking in the "taskbar". Next to the apps. actually visible one the workspace, is the list of iconified apps. Since I know this may annoy some (e.g. Shaleh), this can be toggled "easily" by negating a boolean in the source.
Moreover, sticky windows are included, as well. This seems intuitive, but they may actually not belong to the current workspace.

Well, this is my first draft - and I reckon that others may be interersted. However, I don't quite know how to create a smooth patch that does the magic on the original BB source code. I guess it's something like "diff -U? old/file.cc new/file.cc", but as stated, I'm not quite sure...


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