> >Mozilla and a few other apps remember their last size, so if you maximized
> > one of them they remembered 'hey, i was big last time' and ask to be the
> > width X height from the last time.  You'll note that they do not show up
> > as maximized, just big.  They do not remember state.
>     oh, so it did work ... gone are the good old days though .. as it
> doesn't anymore :) ...
>   but about the future: in 0.70 will this be possible (remembering states?)

sort of.  It will not be blackbox's job but something could handle it.

> PS: I had a weird thing happen right before my eyes: I had an menu item
> right at the root of the menu called 'bbkeys' (bbkeys -w & ) ... worked
> a couple of sessions fine .. and then, I right click, it's there ... and
> then it dissapears ... had to reinsert it ... this brought on quite a
> bit of uncertanty in me about editing blackbox menus and all that,
> because I think I read somewhere that when you make menu changes you
> must then du Session->Restart ... that's a bit unpleasant.

nah.  The menu is constantly watched for changes.  If the file updates 
blackbox redoes the menu.

> PS2: is there like a wish-list for future versions of blackbox? I'd like
> a file where you could set commands to be run exactly after blackbox has
> started :) .. possibly with workspaces specified :P

the sf.net site has bugs, features, etc.  However, I can safely say that this 
request won't happen.  As I mentioned above, it is not the wm's job.

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