On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 07:59:40 -0500 Chris Grossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Okay, this is where you lost me.  What's PKG_CONFIG_PATH?
> I'm more than happy to maintain it, but I've never heard of
> it before (and I install plenty of stuff from source, and
> put all of it in "strange" places).
> Is this something I should have been maintaining for years
> and always got lucky?

PKG_CONFIG_PATH is similar to PATH in that it's a list of
colon-separated directories where pkg-config looks for .pc files.
Packages install their.pc files into PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig, where PREFIX
is usually /usr. If you install stuff in /opt/stuff you should add
/opt/stuff/lib/pkgconfig to PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

I think these .pc files refer each other to some extent, so that could
be why you've gotten away with it so far. See 'man pkg-config' for more

Ciprian Popovici

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