
Well there has to be a visual, to be able to cominucate with blackbox.
I should have made it 1x1 pixel and placed it out of visual range.

A quick hack to always iconfy the window:

On line 288 of wminterface add:   setIconicState(bbtool->framewin, True);
So you get:

void WMInterface::NETNotifyStartup() {
  bbtool->setNETInit(); //wm_init=True;
  setIconicState(bbtool->framewin, True);


On Saturday 27 December 2003 13:39, Sam Halliday wrote:
> hi there,
> i have been a long time blackbox user... and i;ve always used bblaunch to
> launch certain applications. but i decided to move onto bbappconf today, as
> it seems to be more appropriate. however there is one thing which annoys me
> greatly about it... it has a visual appearance! i had suppposed that it
> would just run as a deamon in the background, with no need to appear on my
> screen at all. sure i can iconify it, which is a pain, and it is also
> annoying that it appears in the icons list in that case (i cannot use the
> -i flag as blackbox has not started yet in my .xinitrc by that stage).
> is there any way to setup/hack bbappconf so that it does not have a visual?
> cheers,
> Sam

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