On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 08:52, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 10:41:57AM -0600, Chris Wagner wrote:
> > We are running Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 and currently using Gnome, but want 
> > to use Blackbox as the default window manager.

On both my RH7.3 and RH9.0 machines (using GDM as login manager I
believe) I made a file ~/.Xclients which contains:

xset m 7 4
exec bbkeys -noqt -t -i &
exec blackbox 2> /home/esnyder/.blackbox.errors

which does the trick (of just running blackbox instead of the gnome
environment).  But if you mean how do you integrate blackbox into gnome
(ie. still have the panel, and nautilus, etc.) I'm not sure.  Might try
reading the gnome-session man page and digging down into it's config

Sorry I can't help more,

> > I'm fairly new to Linux, and would like to know how you go about telling 
> > the system to use or at least offer Blackbox as a window manager of 
> > choice when logging in and selecting what type of session.
> This entirely depends on your login manager, and the version of said
> application.  Most login managers offer a Default option that falls back
> to user accessible configuration files.  Using this option, you can
> create a ~/.Xsession file that contains the applications (including
> window manager) that you would like to run when you log in.  The key is
> to list any applications you want started first (be sure to start them
> in the background by putting a & at the end) and the window manager
> last (but don't background it).  Your X session will end when the last
> program executed in this file exits.
> As for how to list an actual Blackbox option, that will greatly depend
> on which login manager you use (GDM, KDM, WDM, XDM, etc) and you'll need
> to either let us know which you are using or review the documentation
> for it.
> -- 
> Jamin W. Collins
> "Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups."
> -- John Kenneth Galbraith
If I had it all to do over again, I'd spell creat with an "e". - Kernighan

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