On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 11:25, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 08:53, Markus Ottenbacher wrote:
> > Hi vanRijn,
> > 
> > Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
> > [window decorations]
> > 
> > > what are you seeing that makes you think the that the capability still
> > > exists for bbkeys to send this message to blackbox?  something in lib/?
> > 
> > No, in Window.cc exists a global method 'update_decorations' that 
> > processes window decoration according to EWMH window type (eg window 
> > type 'splash' has no decorations at all) and some extra hints and 
> > conditions.
> I think (nyz, please correct me), that according to this, you can't
> change the decorations after the window has been created.... 
> http://freedesktop.org/Standards/wm-spec/1.3/ar01s05.html#id2503764
> please correct me if I'm wrong!

YAY, I was wrong!!!  =:D  I've just committed a change to CVS that gets
toggleDecorations working again!!  This time around, though, we're using
MOTIF_WM_HINTS, as per the discussion nyz and I had, instead of any
blackbox-specific atoms.  This means that bbkeys's toggleDecorations
will work with other window managers too!  I just tried both
blackbox-cvs and metacity 2.8.1 and they both switch decorations on and
off quite nicely.

please let me know if I've caused anyone's cat to cough up hairballs....


| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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