On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 21:11, Ryan Freeman wrote:
> hello, to start, i would like to say that the first window manager that  
> i ever really enjoyed was blackbox. I started using it just as the new  
> 0.60 series came about. i've used fluxbox, then openbox, then gnome +  
> openbox, and now after having that heavy desktop environment (which is  
> coming along quite nicely i must say) i had the itching to just drop  
> right down to basics again. the new 0.70 series is quite interesting,  
> and while its still in beta there are a couple things i wanted to clear  
> up.

this is interesting.  =:)  I used to use blackbox solely--for a LONG
time!!  and then there was the hiatus.  and then I got curious as to how
the "big" environments really are.  so I used kde for a couple of
years.  and now I've used gnome/metacity for the last year or so.  =:) 
I've used bbkeys, though, through all of them, which has been nice.


> 1. bbkeys - (is this the wrong list for this?)

nope, right list.  =:)

>       the new bbkeys for the new blackbox works but doesn't show up  
> in the slit. is there no slit in the new blackbox yet? or does the new  
> bbkeys simply not have that cool key icon yet?

this is also interesting!!!!  =:)  I thought everybody hated the
keyhole!  =:)  anyway, no, the new bbkeys does not have any on-screen

> 2. binary size.
>       my blackbox binary is a wooping 5.1mb. i seem to remember the  
> previous blackbox builds being only a few hundred kilobytes. is this  
> just a fact of being a beta still? i tried using upx but i only brought  
> it down to 1.6mb. seems a little high. either way its not like i don't  
> have enough disk space, just curious! ;)

did you try strip?

> 3. themes.
>       the new bb comes with a set of familiar themes. i tried copying  
> my old preferred theme (chaos2) into the new bb styles directory and it  
> seems to work just fine. however, a few things look a little different,  
> not that they look bad. is there a conversion process that needs to be  
> done? or is it just the way the new 'render' engine works?
> thanks and sorry for the long message.
> - ryan

| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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