I have/had a path for 0.65 which has not been submitted to sourceforge.
It allows the specification of an epilogue program/script to be specified
on the [exit] statement of the main menu.  This app is invoked when the 
user selects the [exit] statement.  If it returns non-zero, the termination
is aborted and an xmessage is given, otherwise termination proceeds.
I use it to check that I am not terminating an application which might
need to be shut down more gracefully ( sylpheed, for instance ).
I also use it to run (via the epilog app) 'gconftool --shutdown' to clean up 
after the gnome runtime.

My problem is, my knowledge of c++ is so poor that I cannot adapt the patch
to 0.70.

The original patch replaces the Exit method in Rootmenu.cc with:

case BScreen::Exit:
    if (item->exec()) {
      int retc;
      char * usern;

      retc = system(item->exec());
      if ( retc != 0 ) {
         std::string nxmsg = "xmessage -timeout 7 -center -file /tmp/";
         usern = getenv( "USER" );
         nxmsg += usern;
         nxmsg += ".bbepi";
         bexec( nxmsg, getScreen()->displayString() );

Thanks for any assistance.

*   Dave Serls                                 Littleton, CO, USA      *
*   dashs.denver.co.us                         sorrybiscuit.com        *

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