On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 02:14:14PM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote:

> anyone knows that flags is bedian binary compiled with ?
> The binary is only 164K stripped....

Assuming you mean `Debian', the flags it's compiled with would allow it to run on a 
386-based system for maximal portablility.  Not that I'd recommend running X on a 386, 
but it's been done :).  You can also examine the debian/ directory by downloading the 
source deb into a directory using apt-get:

  apt-get source blackbox

This will give you one directory, a diff.gz, a tarball, and some other junk.  Just 
start sniffing around...

-=|JP|=-    "Compared to racing, heroine is a strong urge for something salty."
Jon Pennington               |  Debian 2.3                  -o)
d r e n @ w h a c k . o r g  |  Auto Enthusiast             /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA         |  ICQ UIN  6 9 6 7 2 9 3 1   _\_V

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