On Wed, 2001-11-14 at 11:55, Derek Cunningham wrote:
> > Okay.  Yes, you're absolutely right.  And this is a blackbox issue. 
> > Blackbox is broke WRT windows that have decorations removed from them.
> and yet there are some people on this list that feel that blackbox is fine
> as is. Sure, this is an eye-candy issue... but still, it's a bug, period.

Agreed.  And henceforth and thusly, said bug should be squashed.

> > I've added code to bbkeys to allow decoration toggling (toggleDecor,
> > which will add or strip decorations from the currently-focused window)
> > and went as far as I can go. 
> ok... is this a patch to bbkeys, or is it in the main distro? how do I
> utilize this function?

The functionality is built into bbkeys 0.8.x.  It just doesn't work
because blackbox is broke in this regard.

> > Blackbox's internals are broken also with
> > regards to being able to tell other apps what the decoration state of a
> > given window is.  
> where is this functionality useful?

Well, for instance, this one.  =:)  I'd like to at-will take all window
decorations off of a window (a decor-less, sticky aterm would suit me
nicely, thank you), and then be able to add the titlebar/buttons, etc.
back on when I want also.  

> > I've patched blackbox to at least tell external
> > applications whether a given window is decorated or not, but it really
> > does no good because there's the other problem in which blackbox acts
> > like it's going to let you move or resize a now-undecorated window, but
> > doesn't really do it.
> > 
> another bug. see above statement!

see above answer.  Bottom line--it's broke and should be fixed.

> > I've approached Raven (who responded to me, but it's been so long I
> > forget what was said) 
> of course, you archive your email, correct? :) so you could easily load up
> your personal archives, to find out what's up. :)

`man hard_drive_crash && man month_old_backup`

> > and nyz (who said that the version of KDE that he
> > runs doesn't have that issue  =:)  ) about this and it never went
> > anywhere.
> haha... so basically, in short, nyz has given up on bb?

nyz (Brad Hughes) works for trolltech, lucky bugger that he is.  And as
such, it's most probably more advantageous for him to use a window
manager that is directly affected by the work that he does, namely with

> > 
> > So, Jeff, if you're out there, is there any update on where this falls
> > on the official blackbox TODO list?
> > 
> better question: IS THERE a todo list? and is there any update at all WRT
> blackbox development?

*listening very intently for answer myself*

Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
Numbers 6:24-26

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