Do you mean "/.configure --prefix=/usr/local/bin" ? (I'm a bit new to Linux)

- Andres Montiel

Mads Martin Joergensen wrote:

 > * Andres Montiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Nov 15. 2001 15:23]:
 >> I am trying to install bbrb-0.2.1 (the background changer for BlackBox).
 >> However, as I try to configure it for installation ("./configure") I get
 >> a message stating that my imlib verion is lower than 1.9.8. However, I
 >> just installed the source version of imlib 1.9.10, and imlib-config can
 >> be located at /usr/local/bin/imlib-config.
 > Is /usr/local/bin in the PATH?

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