> Okay i am fairly new to linux and i have a fairly old system and someone 
> recomended blackbox and after trying like 5 different WM's i found that 
> blackbox ws the fastest and i like it the best too :P But i was wondering if 
> there is any way to customize it. 
Oh GOD yes. I Suggest getting familiar with the Blackbox manpage, then
check out bb.themes.org for some nice themes. 
Also, Study the menufile, and you will soon have your own very long,
complicated menufile. The format isnt too complicated, and you can do some
fun things with it.

Also, I might suggest making a directory in your homedir named
".blackbox" to store all your themes (styles) in, along with
backgrounds. many styles want to be there, and sometimes require editing
otherwise. I have ~/.blackbox/backgrounds and ~/.blackbox/styles  I also
may suggest linking ~/.blackbox/backgrounds to ~/.blackbox/Backgrounds
(type "man ln" to learn how)or vice versa, same goes for styles and
Styles, some themes want a capitol S or B and some dont. Just to save some
hassle. Dont forget to edit your ~/.blackboxrc file, when you make your
own menufile, you need to specify where it is in that file. Its pretty
straightforward. Nothing too complicated, and anything you dont know what
is you can just ignore =P

Also, if your feeling bold, transparent terminal windows look very nifty
in blackbox especially. I like aterm, but some people like eterm better.
Do a search for aterm on freshmeat.net, or learn about eterm (thats probly
already on your system)

kinda long...hope i helped

'An Object at Rest Cannot be Stopped!'

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