On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Tomas Capdevila wrote:

> this works for me, some examples, they should stand in one line:
> [exec] (mutt-main)   {xterm -ls -bg black -g 86x62 -fg grey -fn 9x15 +j
> -T mutt-main -sb -e /usr/bin/mutt}
> [exec] (xterm-pico)  {xterm -ls -bg black -g 86x62 -fg grey -fn 9x15 +j
> -T pico -sb -e /usr/bin/pico workspace.txt}

>From my ~/.Xdefaults

XTerm*foreground: grey85
XTerm*background: slategrey
XTerm*termName: xterm-256color
XTerm*font: 9x15
XTerm*geometry: 88x77
XTerm*scrollBar: false
XTerm*saveLines: 500

Shortens up the [exec] line in the menu so it doesn't wrap in an 80x??
term window. ( That's important you know! 8-))  Now entries from my menu
look like;

[exec] (PINE) {xterm -e pine}
[exec] (Xterm) {xterm}
[exec] (Vim) {xterm -e vim}

Restarting X or doing a

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

activates the changes in .Xdefaults. (on my set up anyway)

> tomas


If you want to speak to someone knowledgeable about computers and who
knows what's going on in "the local computer store", then you are forced
to talk to yourself... (;-))

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