What do you folks think about allowing for variables in the BB menus, or
is this support already there?

What I'm getting at is something to help condense repeative entries. 
For instance I have a few items in my menu file that look like the

[exec]  (Edit BB Menu)  {rxvt -fn 6x13 -title "Edit BB Menu" -geometry
25x3 -fg yellow -bg red -e su -c "$EDITOR /usr/share/Blackbox/menu"}

The following portion is common to most of these

rxvt -fn 6x13 -geometry 25x3 -fg yellow -bg red

I was thinking that something like the following might be useful.

$RXVT_WARN = rxvt -fn 6x13 -geometry 25x3 -fg yellow -bg red
[exec]  (Edit BB Menu)  {$RXVT_WARN -title "Edit BB Menu" -e su -c
"$EDITOR /usr/share/Blackbox/menu"}

Good, bad, other?

Jamin W. Collins

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