Today at 9:02am, Erik Jan Tromp said:

> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:51:12 +0100 (CET)
> Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When switching styles, it seems that Blackbox opens new files for the
> > directories /usr/share/Blackbox/styles and /home/wilbert/.blackbox/styles,
> > without closing the old ones.
> >
> > When switching very often blackbox's memory footprint grows considerably,
> > and you can see the open files in a process monitor like qps (or kps).
> > (With 500+ files open, Blackbox grows over 10000K)
> >
> > Restarting Blackbox closes all file handles and return Blackbox to a
> > modest 1600K memory footprint (when using a flat-solid style).
> That buglet was squashed last February. I no longer have the original
> post, but I diff'd up a patch for use whenever I feel like compiling
> blackbox from virgin sources. You'll (hopefully) find it attached.

Thanks! I must have missed that conversation in February.  Well it's not
that important, but I was looking how fast bb switches styles, when I
noticed the open files in qps's details->files field.

great that a 0.61.2 is coming!


Wilbert Berendsen (

"To build an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."
Carl Sagan, Cosmos

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