On Sat, 2001-12-22 at 13:09, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> I sucked down the original website from blackbox.alug.org, changed the
> links to bb.themes.org to bb.classic.themes.org and made a few minor
> changes (ran "tidy" over the files to guarantee valid HTML and CSS,
> removed the alug-logo and inserted a sourceforge logo).
> You can view the result at http://www.netmeister.org/misc/blackbox/ and
> download the files in a tarball from
> http://www.netmeister.org/misc/blackbox-website.tar.gz

Few suggestions:
- the Blackbox logo came up rather chunky when I viewed the page, bit of
a turn off.
- the Download links point to the the portal.alug.org ftp server.  Since
the project is being assumed and moved to sf.net, it might be a good
idea to change these links and put a copy of the referenced versions on
sf.net instead.
- as indicated by another post, the development machine should be
changed to indicate what Sean (and possibly others) are developing BB on

What does everyone think about a reference indicating the minimum known
system specs to "adequately" run BB?  Sort of an indication as to how
slim it really is.

Jamin W. Collins

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